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Caricature commission from photo for gift
caricature from photo

Richard Ellis has been a professional caricaturist since the late 1990s. He is highly experienced at amazing and amusing people with quick and accurate sketches of guests at weddings, parties, corporate entertainment, trade shows and exhibitions.

He has worked in a huge variety of venues and events, for both private clients and companies including Google, BT, Volvo, Skoda, Jaguar, Serco, Whitbread, Cadbury and many more.

Famous people he has drawn 'live' include Jayne Torvill, cricketers Phil Tufnell and Sir Curtly Ambrose, Jeanette Tough (Wee Jimmy Krankie), Linda Lusardi (fully dressed), Simon Weston - a true hero, Nicholas Parsons (RIP) and McFly (all together!).

He is always a hit at parties and weddings - kids love caricatures of their parents (but don't panic, he aims to be funny rather than cruel!)

Clever Dick...

Most people think that the word 'caricature' relates to 'character', but its etymology is very different. It is actually derived from the Latin 'carrus', meaning a kind of Gallic cart which was often overburdened, hence it means to load or exaggerate. It's hardly surprising then, that there are so many common misspellings, such as characture, characterture, caricture, caricterture.... And the word for one who draws in this way is 'caricaturist'... not characterturist, characturist, caricturist and so on. If you found me in spite of all this, well done!

Sample locations

Richard is available to draw caricatures throughout England and Wales. Based in Birmingham, he is within easy access of the Midlands and London. He works in Yorkshire, Staffordshire, Derbyshire, Worcestershire, Warwickshire, Leicestershire, Oxfordshire, Shropshire and every other county in England. He is from Derby and grew up in Bristol, and is a regular at functions in Manchester, Liverpool, Leeds and Oxford. He is also an expert architectural photographer 

© Richard Ellis 1998-2025

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